
Auditions will be submitted by video with the Membership Application. Applications for the upcoming year, 2024-2025 are now open! Please share our information with your friends who may also be interested in auditioning.

Deadline extended! Please submit your auditions below.

  • 1. Record Your Audition Video

    Your video should include one three-octave scale of your choice and one three to five minute video that reflects your best playing. Upload your video to a video hosting service (youtube, vimeo, etc) or the cloud service of your choice (google drive, etc.) and copy the link to the appropriate line in the Membership Application.

  • 2. Complete Membership Application

    Both current members and prospective members should fill out the Membership Application. There is a field to upload both a current picture and a link to your audition video. UYSO and UYPhilharmonic tuition is $600 per year. UYJSO tuition is $350 per year. Tuition assistance is available for any student in need.

Placement Considerations


Utah Youth Symphony & Philharmonic

  • Ages 13 to 21
  • Students in middle school, junior high, high school, or college (U of U students are eligible to receive college credit for participation)
  • Consistently studying an instrument with a private teacher
  • Commit to weekly rehearsal schedule for full concert season
  • Expected to be members of school music programs

Utah Youth Junior Symphony

  • Minimum age: 8 years old
  • Consistently studying an instrument with a private teacher
  • Commit to weekly rehearsal schedule for full concert season
  • Expected to be members of school music programs

What to Play for Audition

Utah Youth Symphony & Philharmonic

  • Three to five minutes of your best playing--include both fast and slow passages.  You may include excerpts from two pieces or one piece that incorporates both. No accompaniment is necessary.
  • Strings: One major and one minor scale in three octaves, producing a full, clear tone with solid intonation.
  • Winds: One major and one minor scale in two octaves.

Utah Youth Junior Symphony

  • One prepared piece demonstrating current technical level; producing a full clear tone with vibrato.
  • Play a 2-octave major and minor scale from memory with vibrato.